Homeopathy is a 200 year-old system of medicine introduced by a medical doctor and used successfully worldwide by individuals seeking a safe, effective way to treat illness and improve their health.
While conventional medicine seeks to control the symptoms of a condition or illness, homeopathy regards symptoms as the body's healthy attempt to restore itself to balance. The homeopath treats the root cause of your illness and stimulates your immune system, helping your body to naturally restore balance and health. Homeopathy is based on the principle of, "like cures like" - that is - if a substance can cure symptoms of disease in a healthy person then it can cure a sick person suffering from similar symptoms. With the correct homeopathic remedy, there are no side effects and a person is restored to health naturally.
Homeopathy recognizes that each person manifests his/her dis-ease in a unique and slightly different way. That is why two people with the same disease will not necessarily receive the same homeopathic remedy. Unlike a "one size fits all" approach, a homeopath chooses a remedy that matches the unique symptom profile of the individual.